Sunday, November 29, 2009

Movie Quote Monday: Christmas Edition Part One

Tis the season for Christmas movies, so I thought that I would spend the month of December talking about some of my favorite Christmas movies.  Now I will warn you that some of the movies are not what some would necessarily consider traditional Christmas movies, but maybe they should be.

Here are some quotes from the first film; see if you can guess which movie they come from:

Lucy: I've had a really lousy Christmas, you've *just* managed to kill my New Year's, if you come back on Easter- you can burn down my apartment.

Nurse Wanda: Next time you're talking to yourself, tell yourself you're single and end the conversation! 

Lucy: You give up your seat every day in the train.
Peter: Well... But that's not heroic.
Lucy: It is to the person who sits in it.
Lucy: [to Jack] Okay, um. What do you mean by the leaning thing? You mean because he gave me flowers?
Jack: And then you *leaned*
Lucy: And then I leaned.
Jack: Yeah.
Lucy: Okay, how did I lean when I leaned?
Jack: It was a lot different from hugging. Hugging's very different. Hugging that involves arms and hands; and leaning is whole bodies moving in like this
[leans toward her suggestively]
Jack: . Leaning involves *wanting*... and *accepting*. *Leaning*...
Joe Jr.: Hey Luce! Is this guy bothering you?
Lucy: [Laughs] No, no.
Joe Jr.: Are you sure? Because it looks like he's *leaning.*
Priest: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to...
Lucy: I object.
Saul: Oh, geez.
Priest: I didn't get to that part yet.
Jack: I would have to object too.
Priest: What about you?
Peter: I'm thinking!

Were you able to guess the movie?  It's While You Were Sleeping.  I usually consider it a Christmas movie since it is set at Christmas time.  I enjoy many of Sandra Bullock's films, and this one is probably my favorite.  The chemistry between her and Bill Pullman works well, and by the end of the movie, I was hoping that they would end up together. 


ksnyder said...

Ahhh, good movie!! I'm thinking we also need to see a blog post with some belly pictures!! How are you feeling lately? Are you guys going to find out boy/girl? Hope all is well!

lovemylife said...

One of my favorites since it came out! I LOVE this movie! Sometimes, at family dinners at home, my sister, niece and I will just say something like, "These mashed potatoes are so creamy!", and then another one of us will answer, "Good beef comes from Argentina!" or "But would you wanna see Dustin Hoffman save the Alamo?"
Hope you have a great day!